Enterprise Technology Accelerator

Submit your problems or solutions to enter the ‘mapping and matching’ process, where accelerator project team problems are mapped to available resources and solutions; and then project teams are matched with vetted partners and solution providers.

Building Your Org’s Technology Vision

Transforming Project Ideas Into Innovation

Ready to elevate your enterprise with AI and emerging technologies but need help figuring out where to begin? Start by creating your organization’s profile. Identify opportunities where technology can address key challenges and gain access to unparalleled support, planning resources, and connections with vetted partners.

Powering Solutions Through Collaborations

Showcase Your Solutions

Have a service or solution that can propel organizations through their digital transformation journeys? Become a vetted solution provider and partner with accelerator project teams to bring your innovations to those who need them most.

What Sets Our Project Accelerator Apart?

Your Gateway To Technical Excellence

Central to our mission is the Enterprise Technology Accelerator. This unique program is designed to fast-track the growth and innovation of businesses through the safe and responsible adoption of emerging tech. Organization’s may submit problem or solution sets to begin the ‘mapping and matching’ process following vetting and verification.

Educating Technology Leaders

Empowering leaders with the knowledge to navigate and shape the tech landscape.

Knowledge Sharing

Creating a vibrant community where insights and experiences are freely exchanged

Connecting Technology Partners

Creating a vibrant community where insights and experiences are freely exchanged.

Resource Sharing

Offering access to a wealth of tools and resources essential for technological advancement.

Building Use Cases

Showcasing real-world applications and successes to inspire and guide.

Providing Technology Infrastructure

Supporting the backbone of innovation with robust infrastructure solutions.

Request Access to the 2024 Enterprise Technology Accelerator

Launch a journey of discovery, innovation, and growth. Request access today and unlock the future of enterprise technology now.