Join the brain trust for business and technology leaders

Enterprise Technology Association membership is now available!

ETA by the numbers:

  • Membership inquiries from 40 states and dozens of countries

  • Over 500 companies in the ETA ecosystem

  • Four main pillars of programming for business and technology leaders:

    • Artificial Intelligence

    • Cybersecurity

    • IT Infrastructure

    • Solution Development

  • Three main engagement types

    • AI Weeks in cities across the country

    • Leadership Summits and Workshops

    • Educational Content and Webinars

What is ETA membership all about?

  • Discovery - discover solutions, opportunities, and collaboration partners within the ETA ecosystem

  • Education - learn, teach, and share insights with technology, business, government, and academic leaders.

  • Events - bringing together the brightest minds to discuss the most important topics in cities around the United States and North America

  • Access - providing access to technology, talent, resources, and more

Who should join ETA?

Any leader or professional building, using, or researching artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. Anyone with an interest in AI, cybersecurity, IT infrastructure, solution development.

Why should I join ETA?

To connect with peers, experts, solutions, and opportunities.

How do I become an ETA member?

Request access. Once approved, select your membership level and tap into the brain trust!

How much does an annual ETA membership costs?

Individual Memberships: $600 and up
Corporate Memberships: $1500 and up
Nonprofit Memberships: $750 and up
Gov and Edu Memberships: $750 and up

Questions? Inquiries? Contact


LMNTL: The Wellness Retreat for Biz and Tech Leaders


Columbus AI Week is September 17-19, 2024!