New NIST Tool to Test AI Model Risk (What You Need To Know)

Everything You Need to Know About the New NIST Tool for Testing AI Model Risk

Guest blog post by Jon Salisbury, CEO, Nexigen


In the fast-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ensuring the safety, reliability, and ethical deployment of AI models has become paramount. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently introduced a groundbreaking tool for testing AI model risk, a significant step forward in promoting secure and responsible AI. As CEO of Nexigen, I am proud to announce that Nexigen is actively participating in the NIST AI Safety, Testing, and Training program for AI. Here’s everything you need to know about this new tool, Dioptra, and its implications for the industry.

Dioptra is an open source package that can be used to assess the potential impact of attacks on models and their performance.

The NIST AI Model Risk Testing Tool

The NIST tool for testing AI model risk is designed to evaluate the potential risks associated with deploying AI systems. This comprehensive framework assesses various dimensions of risk, including fairness, transparency, accountability, and security. By providing standardized metrics and methodologies, the tool helps organizations identify and mitigate risks before AI models are deployed in real-world applications.

Key Features of the NIST AI Model Risk Testing Tool

  1. Fairness Assessment:

    • The tool includes metrics to evaluate whether AI models treat all user groups fairly, ensuring that biases are minimized and equitable outcomes are promoted.

  2. Transparency and Explainability:

    • It offers methodologies to assess how transparent and explainable AI models are, helping stakeholders understand how decisions are made and fostering trust in AI systems.

  3. Accountability Measures:

    • The framework provides guidelines for ensuring that AI systems are accountable for their actions, including mechanisms for auditing and oversight.

  4. Security Evaluation:

    • It incorporates tests for identifying vulnerabilities in AI models, ensuring that they are robust against adversarial attacks and other security threats.

Nexigen’s Role in the NIST AI Safety, Testing, and Training Program

Nexigen is honored to be one of the companies participating in the NIST AI Safety, Testing, and Training program. Our involvement underscores our commitment to advancing AI safety and reliability. Through this collaboration, we aim to leverage the NIST tool to enhance our AI models, ensuring they meet the highest standards of security and ethical performance.

Benefits of the NIST AI Model Risk Testing Tool

For Businesses:

  • Enhanced Trust: By using the NIST tool, businesses can build more trustworthy AI systems, which can improve customer confidence and adoption rates.

  • Regulatory Compliance: The tool helps organizations comply with emerging regulations on AI transparency and fairness, reducing legal risks.

  • Risk Mitigation: Proactively identifying and addressing potential risks can prevent costly failures and reputational damage.

For Consumers:

  • Fair Treatment: Consumers benefit from AI systems that are designed to be fair and unbiased, ensuring equal treatment across different demographic groups.

  • Transparency: Increased transparency allows consumers to understand how decisions affecting them are made, fostering greater trust in AI technologies.

Looking Ahead

The introduction of the NIST AI Model Risk Testing Tool marks a significant milestone in the journey towards safer and more reliable AI systems. Nexigen’s participation in the NIST program highlights our dedication to leading the industry in AI safety and innovation. We look forward to continuing our work with NIST and other stakeholders to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly.


The NIST tool for testing AI model risk is an essential resource for any organization involved in developing or deploying AI systems. By addressing critical aspects such as fairness, transparency, accountability, and security, it provides a robust framework for ensuring that AI models are safe and trustworthy. Nexigen is proud to be at the forefront of this initiative, and we remain committed to advancing the field of AI through our participation in the NIST AI Safety, Testing, and Training program.

For more information about the NIST AI Model Risk Testing Tool and Nexigen’s role in this initiative, please visit the NIST website and Nexigen's official site.


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